• 小蓝鸟-小蓝鸟加速器-小蓝鸟推特-小蓝鸟官网-twitter小蓝鸟交友软件ap87页

    Analyze over 35 cell surface and intracellular readouts simultaneously at the single cell level. Perfect for samples with limited cell numbers where maximum information is required.


    Purify rare cell subsets with high purity and at large scale for downstream applications.


    Analyze your flow cytometry data faster and better with our distributed cloud computing analysis software. Create massive illustrations and export thousands of data points in seconds with CellEngine.

    雷霆加速器 安卓


    Profile more than 雷神加速器 安卓at the single cell level after treatment with small molecules, antibody therapeutics, or extracellular ligands. Create a map of drug activity across cellular signaling networks, measuring phosphorylation, acetylation, and total protein levels.


    Profile 400 cell surface proteins in complex populations of cells such as peripheral blood, PBMCs, or tumor samples. Analyze multiple cell subsets simultaneously to generate 1000's of data points per sample. Identify new biomarkers to monitor drug activity or to stratify clinical patient samples.


    Perform deep immunophenotyping (10+ colors) or phospho-protein analysis in whole blood clinical samples. Measure drug activity directly in disease cell populations by combining surface and intracellular markers. Validate novel pharmacodynamic assays to characterize drug mechanism of action and target cells.

    High Resolution Cell Analysis

    Our solutions leverage the ability to multiplex quantitative high content analysis across cellular targets, phenotypic responses, and patient samples to deliver unprecedented insight into compound activity.

    Single Cell Data

    All of our assays are built upon the principle of single cell analysis, enabling characterization of heterogeneous events and measurements in complex cell populations such as primary blood samples.


    Primity Advantages

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